Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hello from the Halloween Show!
Happy Halloween To All!
I hope all is well!
I have been away and working and playing Hard!
The Halloween show opened at Eclectix on October 16th
and my work was shown
along with many amazing artists including my friend
Jennybird Alcantara !
The night was a blast and there were many artists
there to meet and mingle !
Such a great turnout and so much eyecandy!
Check out to see for yourself!

Then Jenny and I jumped in a car and headed to L.A.
For the Aid for Aids benefit , Best In Drag Show
This event raised over 355,000 dollars in help
for the people suffering from this disease!

We laughed at the antics and the show
And we cried at the emotion and the depths
that people will go to help others.
Mary louise Parker and John C. Reily both
gave 10,000 dollars to the cause!
It was an honor to be able to contribute even in a small way!
We were definitely feelin' the Love!!!!

This is my little
"Sacred sister"
from the show at Eclectix

Little miss Anna Ferris was in attendance
She is a doll and sweet to match!

And of course the beautiful Mary Louise Parker!
She was so kind and humble
and when I told her that my 17 year old son
thinks she's "HOT" on "Weeds"
She said,"Oh my gosh !I LOVE him!"
She is soooo cute!

Miss "Mousy"
at the Show

"Scarlet's Locket"

Hope to see everyone soon!
Oh by the way!
My dolls come out in Art Doll Quarterly
On November 1st
Hooray !
I hope everyone gets to see Them!