Saturday, January 24, 2009

Run! Goldilocks Run !

Arts pixs 2008-09 388, originally uploaded by ostrich girl.

This is how I feel when I haven't finished my daily hopes of what I want to do and when I can't figure something out on my computer and when I have heard Mom,Mo-oooom (my daughter says it in two syllables and with lots of super fun attitude) Mommy or Momma yelled just one too many times through my house! It's so nice that they are all in bed now.It is so true how angelic( and quiet) they are when they sleep. Can't they sleep just a little more? Five kids? What a continual circus!Life is crazy and full and fun!


  1. Five children, how wonderful. Tiring I'm sure but more than wonderful too.



  2. Sheri,

    I just read through all your posts! I love each one...not just your artwork, but your writings. I love that you so quickly can describe your feelings. many of your posts...I am right there with you girl! {except I don't have five kids...two being toddlers :) } keep hanging in there with the rest of us!

