Thursday, February 12, 2009

O.K. everyone for some crazy reason my computer will only load this pick side ways so this is my second second giveaway package! The winners are Pinkglitterfae and NiKKi/WhiMSylove!
I want to say "Thankyou!" to everyone for all the wonderful compliments and the great response. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone on the Gypsy caravan.
I have had sooo many series of emotions as I have read through peoples lives on thier blogs.I love the fearlessness of the people willing to be vulnerable and tell all the heart wrenching details of the circumstances they are in right now! I sat many nights with tears rolling down my cheeks, feeling happiness for that new baby or niece or nephew or sadness for the passing of a dear friend or a loved pet.I sat sobbing reading about despair and cancer and people who are still fighting for their lives in the face of hopelessness.
I want to be this strong.I want you to know what an incredible inspiration you are. I feel helpless.I will be praying for all of you.
I know this is feeble but if it brings a smile to someone I will be thrilled! So this second gift is my attempt at reaching some little shred of happiness for you out there, that I crazily feel connected to because you shared little pieces of your world with me!!!
I will be continuing to attempt to finish the list as I really only had time to respond to those that reached out to me .I can't wait to meet you all!


  1. Congratulations Pinkglitterfae and Nikki!

    This whole thing has been a blast!!

  2. Thank you so much! I'm VERY excited to be one of the winners of your awesome goodies!

  3. Congrats to the winners....Sheri you make me laugh! I'm giggling because I thought my computer was the only one that loaded sideview pictures...LOL

  4. When something is as heartfelt as this it is never feeble. I feel the love.

    Thank you.

    Love Renee xoxoxoxo

  5. I was so surprised and thrilled to see my name listed as a winner!! Congrats too Nikki :-D
    What a great collection of goodies!

    I loved this post, this is exactly how I felt reading through various blogs, you feel like everyone is your friend, and wish you could do something to help. Sometimes knowing someone cares, even if it's a stranger, is enough
